Amethyst Crackle Conch Shell by Joe Hobbs

Amethyst Crackle Conch Shell by Joe Hobbs
Hot sculpted glass conch sea shell in with crackle exterior and amethyst purple interior. All sculpted by hand, no molds were used!
A hollow form with an opening like a natural shell.
Approximately 8” in length and 5” in diameter.
Joe Hobbs was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, but grew up in the Bahamas, Key West , Camarillo and Monterey. He studied at the Rhode Island School of Design, California College of Arts and Pilchuck Glass School. Joe earned his BFA in sculpture from the University of West Florida and has worked with glass for two decades now. He was the founding glass artist in residence at the Belmont Art Center (which is now the First City Art Center) in Pensacola, Florida. Currently, Joe resides in Pensacola and makes his work at First City Art Center.
Joe Hobbs frequently attends GlassFest at STARworks as a Guest Artist.