Water Vase by Jee Eun Lee

Water Vase by Jee Eun Lee
Crystalline glazed porcelain vase by artist Jee Eun Lee.
Approximately 8 inches tall and 3.5 inches wide.
Jee Eun Lee was our 2022 artist-in-residence. You can find more of her work on her website www.jeeeunlee.com.
Water and mountain imagery and symbols are intimately linked to human experiences such as memory, movement, time, and encounters with life and death. They have provided protection, strength, and sustenance throughout our evolution and existence, and a magical connection to nature. Mountains and water offer limitless possibilities for me to communicate with nature through my art. Meditation is an important tool in my work. Rather than control nature, I want to nourish my spirit and identity and the viewers by expressing those feelings in the work. Everyone has their own important memories, which relate to their individual lives. Even the most trivial memories can have a great effect on one’s life. I feel the purpose of my work is to express the importance of a spiritual sense of self-realized in relationship to nature and share this idea with the viewer.